Thursday, August 9, 2012

Under Water

The greatness of the Creator's boundless. If all this we can only see and watch the river on land, so this time the world was startled by the discovery of the river under the sea in the Cenote Angelita, Mexico. The photographs of the river in Mexico submarine is then circulated widely among users of facebook, twitter, blogs and other Internet services. Abroad, the phenomenon is known as the Underwater Mystery River. In the country, we call it a phenomenon of the river beneath the sea. The debate arose as more and more the admiration of this divine phenomenon, even to touch on the belief (religion).

Not a few who stated that the circulation of photographs of the river at the bottom of the sea is a sign or signal for humans to be aware and repent to God. Sightings of the river below the sea is also interpreted as a cosmic alarm so that people always preserve the balance of nature and the environment, including river and sea. For the bloggers, pictures of rivers in the sea itself is a boon as it can be used as an ingredient to increase traffic to blog posts. I was middle-conscious play with the collection of underwater photographs of the river in one of them to increase traffic to this blog. Another aim is certainly to share information about the phenomenon of the river in Mexico was underwater for seekersRivers in the sea. Scientifically it is not possible. A diver, Anatoly Beloshchin, take pictures 'river in the ocean' of water depth of 60 meters Cenote Angelita, Mexico.
As reported, at a depth of more than 30 meter dive team discovered fresh water in the middle of the ocean water column. Conditions were changed and returned to find sea divers began to pass through a depth of 60 meters.

A few meters from the site will find a cave. At the bottom of the cave was a team of divers discovered a
river complete with trees and foliage that float in the water column.It turns out that location is not the river as seen on the mainland. However, the atmosphere was indeed similar to the river complete with a coating such as brownish colored water.But wait, it's not the brown color comes from fresh water. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. Gas is usually produced from sewage.Overall, the team of divers discovered it is a condition that is very shocking and stunning to look at."At a depth of 60 meters I found back the sea water. I saw a river, island, complete with falling leaves. But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas," says Anatoly.

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