Friday, August 10, 2012

China's city on the water

Instead of an archipelago located in the sea, not the same as the one in China. Islands stand firm on top of a giant lake. Even if the dive, you can have an ancient city in it.

Qiandao Lake is located in Zhejiang about 150 km from Hangzhou, China is different from other lakes in general. This lake is an artificial lake formed after the creation of the hydropower station Xin'an River.Qiandao Lake is not just a lake where water power station opened, but the lake also special because on it there are many islands. You are not wrong, Qiandao Lake is inhabited by many islands, so the lake is called Lake Islands.

Amusing Planet spy from the site on Tuesday (6/5/2012) there are about 1078 islands in Lake Qiandao. Almost the entire island is often used as tourist travelers. Most of them are curious about the islands that are above. Amazed! That first impression they feel.

Uniquely, the island in the Lake Qiandao named after animals, such as Bird Island, Monkey Island and Snake Island. Eits wait, the uniqueness of Lake Qiandao not stop there. Something that is under the lake, perhaps more interesting, and guaranteed to make you stunned. If curious try to dive straight down the lake, and discover the mystery. An ancient city that is still neatly stored neatly in the lake.

Been to Lake Qiandao, the same as historical tours to the ancient city. But what is more remarkable, because the city is not just any city, but the ancient city that has been submerged. Menyelamlah and uncover his whereabouts.

Apparently, before the lake was built, right where the lake was established two magnificent ancient city, which is Shi Cheng and Cheng He. Cheng Shi town was built over 1,300 years ago, while he Cheng older, compared to Shi Cheng. Formerly, these two cities is that there is a business center along the River Xin'an.Then, in 1959 the city was submerged by the flood. Nearly 40 years both forgotten. New in 2001, the government reopened the sunken ancient city is through the many divers who parachuted to rediscover the lost two cities.

The results are surprising, there are many buildings of the ancient city are still standing strong. Excellent! Fun again, this time the two cities can be directly seen by the tourists who are interested.Diving into Lake Qiandao like diving into an underwater kingdom. From a distance had Tampah city gates and the entire building is intact. Not damaged at all. Giant gate carved with a variety of beautiful, seems the most dominant than the other buildings. Perhaps it was once used as an entrance gate into the city.

A wall surrounding the city, is also still firmly standing upright. A city under the lake was ready to welcome every tourist divers. Beautiful carvings on each wall is also still apparent. In fact, you can simply touch it to make sure this is the original wall. Amazing!

If you dive deeper, you can see the stairs to get into the house is still standing strong. Cantilever beams as well as a full house. It's really a ghost town under the lake is still awake.

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