Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gondo Mayit Beach

Bears the name of a very mystical did not make hide the shame of hiding Gondo Coast beauty. The beach is located in Blitar, East Java does have a rather sinister, but the landscape is a paradise!
In the Java language, Gondo deceased has the meaning "body odor". Creepy indeed, but in fact this is the name of a very beautiful beach. Its location in the south of Blitar, East Java, precisely located in the hills behind the beach Tambakrejo. 

The beach is still very virgin, proved still rarely visited by tourists. But, in fact deceased Gondo Coast is a very beautiful beach. The combination of beautiful natural scenery collaborate with clean beaches make this beach look very attractive.
There has been no serious manager handles Gondo Coast deceased. Nameplate on the main road is also very difficult to find. As a direction, you must first reach the beach Tambakrejo. Here, you can leave the vehicle while asking directions to the beach Gondo deceased.
Continue the trip to the beach by foot. You must climb the hill that is not too high to get to this beautiful beach. The beach is clean and clear natural look here.
This beach has a gently sloping sand, very fitting used as a family tourist attractions. Very clean white sand, no coral and no waste. Located in the south of Java make Gondo Coast deceased was awarded a sizable waves.
Maybe the new wave is the only one who could be an attraction than kealamiannya. Most visitors who come are the surfers who want to try ferociously waves. However, it is not uncommon that only wants to play on the beach alone.
Given the beach has not been managed well, the beach facilities are also impressed by what it is. On this beach yet available even to the dressing room toilet. So you have to the location of vehicle parking for changing clothes.

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