Friday, August 10, 2012

China's city on the water

Instead of an archipelago located in the sea, not the same as the one in China. Islands stand firm on top of a giant lake. Even if the dive, you can have an ancient city in it.

Qiandao Lake is located in Zhejiang about 150 km from Hangzhou, China is different from other lakes in general. This lake is an artificial lake formed after the creation of the hydropower station Xin'an River.Qiandao Lake is not just a lake where water power station opened, but the lake also special because on it there are many islands. You are not wrong, Qiandao Lake is inhabited by many islands, so the lake is called Lake Islands.

Amusing Planet spy from the site on Tuesday (6/5/2012) there are about 1078 islands in Lake Qiandao. Almost the entire island is often used as tourist travelers. Most of them are curious about the islands that are above. Amazed! That first impression they feel.

Uniquely, the island in the Lake Qiandao named after animals, such as Bird Island, Monkey Island and Snake Island. Eits wait, the uniqueness of Lake Qiandao not stop there. Something that is under the lake, perhaps more interesting, and guaranteed to make you stunned. If curious try to dive straight down the lake, and discover the mystery. An ancient city that is still neatly stored neatly in the lake.

Been to Lake Qiandao, the same as historical tours to the ancient city. But what is more remarkable, because the city is not just any city, but the ancient city that has been submerged. Menyelamlah and uncover his whereabouts.

Apparently, before the lake was built, right where the lake was established two magnificent ancient city, which is Shi Cheng and Cheng He. Cheng Shi town was built over 1,300 years ago, while he Cheng older, compared to Shi Cheng. Formerly, these two cities is that there is a business center along the River Xin'an.Then, in 1959 the city was submerged by the flood. Nearly 40 years both forgotten. New in 2001, the government reopened the sunken ancient city is through the many divers who parachuted to rediscover the lost two cities.

The results are surprising, there are many buildings of the ancient city are still standing strong. Excellent! Fun again, this time the two cities can be directly seen by the tourists who are interested.Diving into Lake Qiandao like diving into an underwater kingdom. From a distance had Tampah city gates and the entire building is intact. Not damaged at all. Giant gate carved with a variety of beautiful, seems the most dominant than the other buildings. Perhaps it was once used as an entrance gate into the city.

A wall surrounding the city, is also still firmly standing upright. A city under the lake was ready to welcome every tourist divers. Beautiful carvings on each wall is also still apparent. In fact, you can simply touch it to make sure this is the original wall. Amazing!

If you dive deeper, you can see the stairs to get into the house is still standing strong. Cantilever beams as well as a full house. It's really a ghost town under the lake is still awake.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Under Water

The greatness of the Creator's boundless. If all this we can only see and watch the river on land, so this time the world was startled by the discovery of the river under the sea in the Cenote Angelita, Mexico. The photographs of the river in Mexico submarine is then circulated widely among users of facebook, twitter, blogs and other Internet services. Abroad, the phenomenon is known as the Underwater Mystery River. In the country, we call it a phenomenon of the river beneath the sea. The debate arose as more and more the admiration of this divine phenomenon, even to touch on the belief (religion).

Not a few who stated that the circulation of photographs of the river at the bottom of the sea is a sign or signal for humans to be aware and repent to God. Sightings of the river below the sea is also interpreted as a cosmic alarm so that people always preserve the balance of nature and the environment, including river and sea. For the bloggers, pictures of rivers in the sea itself is a boon as it can be used as an ingredient to increase traffic to blog posts. I was middle-conscious play with the collection of underwater photographs of the river in one of them to increase traffic to this blog. Another aim is certainly to share information about the phenomenon of the river in Mexico was underwater for seekersRivers in the sea. Scientifically it is not possible. A diver, Anatoly Beloshchin, take pictures 'river in the ocean' of water depth of 60 meters Cenote Angelita, Mexico.
As reported, at a depth of more than 30 meter dive team discovered fresh water in the middle of the ocean water column. Conditions were changed and returned to find sea divers began to pass through a depth of 60 meters.

A few meters from the site will find a cave. At the bottom of the cave was a team of divers discovered a
river complete with trees and foliage that float in the water column.It turns out that location is not the river as seen on the mainland. However, the atmosphere was indeed similar to the river complete with a coating such as brownish colored water.But wait, it's not the brown color comes from fresh water. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. Gas is usually produced from sewage.Overall, the team of divers discovered it is a condition that is very shocking and stunning to look at."At a depth of 60 meters I found back the sea water. I saw a river, island, complete with falling leaves. But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas," says Anatoly.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench is the world's sights in the Pacific Ocean. It is said that this is a trough which is the innermost part of any ocean in the world, and is the deepest spot in the top crust of the earth. Mariana Trench has a depth of 11 km (6.8 miles). Mariana Trench become a unique tourist attractions located in the western North Pacific Ocean, east and south are located in the Mariana Islands near Guam money.

Recently been reported ditemukanya rare creatures in the Mariana Trench. Possible shape we have ever seen, but it may be kind of rare and difficult to animal we encounter in other areas. The following are pictures of these creatures:


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

5 unique in the world

For those who like traveling or cheap tourist activities, these impressions may be interesting to follow. Planet earth is blue or a live human being has thousands of beautiful places that deserve to be a tourist destination. Besides presenting the stunning beautiful scenery, some of the places where nature is still a mystery.

Not least among tourists who are more interested in the mystery of a tourist place, but the spread of exotic scenery. Those who like the challenge of natural interest to explore the mystery of a tourist place. Moreover, according to the faith community, these sights have great magical aura. It takes courage to do the tourist activities, parting the mysteries of the place to be visited.

In addition to the usual tourist spots visited by the general public, in this world there are many unique places of interest if used as the natural attractions. These impressions spotlite on a number of unique and stunning sights, but still few people are attracted to the country.

1.   Uluru Australia

 Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, which means a large rock formations in Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park, about 350 kilometers northwest of the town of Alice Springs, Australia Notherhn Territory. Uluru is sacred objects to Aboriginal communities. It also has many springs, caves and primitive paintings. Uluru is the name used by Aboriginal people but has no special significance in the local language.

In October 1872, an explorer named Ernest Giles became the first foreigner to see this rock. But he can not approach because of the lake prevented amadeus and only mention the remarkable pebble. On July 1873, a surveyor named William Gosse visited this stone and named it Ayers Rock in honor of the Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers. In 1993 it was decided to adopt two names, so on 15 December its name to Ayers Rock and Uluru. On 6 November 2002 at the request of the Association Tourisme Regionalk Alice Springs, Uluru and its name is reversed to Ayers Rock.

Uluru is one of Australia's most iconic terekenal. Literally Inselberg Uluru is an isolated volcanic island erosion of the mountains the rest of the original. Uluru is often referred to as a monolith even though the term is understood several meanings. Remarkable feature of Uluru is homogeneous on the surface that slopes leading to the development screen.

2. Killer lakes in Cameroon

This lake actually has very beautiful scenery. But the events that occurred in 1986, some people are reluctant to come to this place. Even for the incident people call this a killer lake or Killer Lake. Then or in 1986, an explosion of CO2 from Lake Nyos in Cameroon, killing 1700 people of Western as well as thousands of cattle. Radius of the blast range of Co2 is toxic to 25 kilometers.

Co2 dissolve seeping from springs beneath the lake and caught in deep water with high hydrostatic pressure. If the CO2 saturation level is reached, bubbles appear and attract a rich mixture of gas and water. A process as claimed overall landslide triggering events that occurred in 1986. Since 1990, the French team has conducted a series of tests in an attempt to release the gas slowly through a vertical pipe.

Lake Nyos is a murderer or a crater lake in the northwest area of Cameroon, located 322 kilometers west of the Sea of ​​Yaounde. Lake Nyos is high on the active side of a volcano in the Oku Volcanic mainland, along the Cameroon line of volcanic activity. A water-filled volcanic lake dam.

3. Farafra White Desert Mesir

Farafra is the second largest desert located in western Egypt. In 2002, Farafra has a population of about 5,000 people and most are from the local Bedouin tribe. Part of this area has a traditional architecture, simple, smooth, no-frills and all the color of mud. That's all the pride of local communities and secured in an effort to secure the local culture. The area also has hot springs at Bir Sitta and Lake El Mufid.

A beautiful natural attractions in this area is the white desert or the Sahara, known as El Beyda. White Desert is located 45 kilometers north of Farafra. This desert has a cream color, white and has a large limestone trimmings. This formation is made ​​as a result of sandstorms in the area. Farafra desert is a place typical of the dkunjungi by some schools in Egypt as a location to develop ah.

See the sights in the Desert Farafra is pretty amazing. Limestone desert was once under the sea. The numbers are located in a desert of black and crystal mountanin was very popular among tourists. But the arrival of the visitors would be a threat of damage at the site. Local government finally made ​​a protected area and reserve for national assets.

4. Stonehenge Inggris

Stonehenge is a building made in the Bronze Age and Neolithic. This amazing place adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers west of the Sea of ​​Salisbury. Sotehenge includes building ponds that surround the land of upright stones in a circle, known as megaliths. There are differing opinions about the actual age of the stone circle, but most archaeologists estimate some of the building was made between 2500 BC and 2000 BC. In 1986, the building was entered as a UNESCO world heritage.

In the early 20th century, most of these stones are no longer standing. This is probably due to the many tourists who go up to the top of Stonehenge. The name given to the Stonehenge monument known as henge consists of a cage or ring with a trench in the embankment. Although he reached the time of Stonehenge Neolithikum but this may have relevance to other rocks contained in the British Isle as Brodgar ring.

Stongehenge, in addition to the spectacular sights are also included in one of the mysterious sights. Primarily, how or techniques used in making this building complex rocks. Until now no one has been able to uncover the veil of how people are currently making this spectacular building.

5. Eye of Africa

Eye of Africa or the so-called circle Richat Structure is featured prominently in Western Sahara or Mauritania center near Ouadane. This structure is deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome with a diameter of 40 kilometers. Sedimentary rocks exposed in a dome range Dam late Proterozoic age in the central dome to Ordovician sandstone around the edges.

Spectacular hydrothermal features are part of the structure richat. Megabreccia silica containing at least 40 meters in the center. This place has a view that is spectacular but can only be seen through Google Earth. Display of search results in Google Earth, where the shape is similar to the human eye. No wonder the place is called the eye or eyes of the world from Africa.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bali Surfing

Bali is known as a tourist paradise, the famous to the world. There are many things that can be extracted from the island of Bali, not just sports surfing alone.

May the beauty of Bali is still preserved and maintained its beauty. Problem of garbage, sanitary and urban governance may be better to keep the name of Bali as a tourist paradise and can also make contribution to the welfare of society itself.

1.  Kuta Reef 
Kuta reef located in the Kuta beach area and have a subscription Bali.Sebagai surfers who visit the most famous beach in Bali, the area is very familiar to the local tourist negeri.Kharakteristik or outside the large and powerful waves characteristic of the waves here.

The surfer can also choose the second option here is the wave from right to left (right-hander) or from left to right (left-hander). Suitable for surfers to advance professionally.

2. Uluwatu

Uluwatu lies at the southernmost tip of the island Bali.Uluwatu is a very popular surfing destination in Bali, large waves and high into the region's own epic.

Directly bordering the Indian Ocean obak ferociously, no one if the waves here offer satisfaction for peselancar.
Characteristic of the beach at Uluwatu beach is directly adjacent to high cliffs and steep cliffs that add to the beauty of this place.

3. Dreamland

Dreamland, is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Bali. Stretch of white sand that extends along the 10 meter plus beautiful white rock directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, adding to the beauty of this region.

Ungasan Dreamland is located in the village, Badung, Bali.Berada in strategic locations and the number of luxury facilities owned by private surrounding. Waves at Dreamland is known for its large waves and strong so it is only suitable for surfers and professional experience. Waves can reach over 4m musimnya.Sesi best time to surf in Dreamland Beach is during the dry season.

This is because the wind flows from east to west is making waves on the beach besar.Bersantai Dreamland into a beautiful tropical setting make you feel at home for long in this stunning beach.

4. Padang Beach 
Coastal plain is located in the coastal village of Ungasan, Badung, Bali. This beach is not foreign to the surfing enthusiast, because the location is charming and very large waves and very challenging.

Is right in front of the Indian Ocean, the waves here are known to have levels of difficulty tinggi.Ombak peak maximum to 12 feet.

Waves that make up the pipe with the strength of the currents that make it fast and should only be attempted for the experienced. Besides being known by the amazing waves, the beach is also known for its beauty and uniqueness.

Unlike some other famous beaches in Bali, to the coastal plain fields must pass through a narrow cavern natural stairs and several flights of stairs that seemed like it would pinch anyone who entered it, through caves and will meet with white sand and crystal clear beaches and beautiful bluish tint.

The beach is not too extensive, but offers a beautiful view of lush green trees that grew around the cliffs of this coast. The beach is also increasingly popular after the mega-stars Julia Roberts filming activity Eat, Pray, Love here.

5. Balangan Beach

Balangan beach located in Pecatu white hills, the southern island of Bali. Balangan beach has white sand that extends along 200 meters.

Sunsetnya famous for the charming and the choice must rest on its laurels after the surfers enjoy the waves roll Belangan beach.

This beach was awarded a large wave and is suitable for experienced surfers up to professionals, but overall the waves were relatively easy route. Surfers are required to be careful when touching the coral and the waves will stop surfing at this beach.

The best season for surfing in Balangan Beach is in the dry season when winds flow from east to west and make a big wave and the perfect time to surf. Enjoy the waves and white sand beaches and enjoy the sunset Balangan make the right choice to spend your time

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dubbed Cinema Islands

German architect Ole Scheeren design and build a cinema that is truly amazing, with a floating position for the inaugural issue of a new film festival, "Film on the Rocks Yao Noi" Pi Nai Lae in the lagoon on the island of Kudu.

Dubbed Cinema Islands, consists of a floating screen, stretched between two towering rocks and lush forests carpet. Boat show attendees ushered in a separate floating hall offers touching and unique cinematic experience.

 Scheeren Design Based in Beijing formed the design of the raft which is usually used to find a local fisherman's lobster.  Wood frame with a rope tied to a block of foam rubber and floating in the lagoon "almost like driftwood." He wanted to create a "random temporary sensation" when the pieces of joy combined., loosely bound, meant to mimic a floating island in the lagoon islands. Unfortunately, at the end of the festival, raft disassembled, rearranged, and reused by local fishermen.

was this one man's work, is the most unique in the world of entertainment.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gondo Mayit Beach

Bears the name of a very mystical did not make hide the shame of hiding Gondo Coast beauty. The beach is located in Blitar, East Java does have a rather sinister, but the landscape is a paradise!
In the Java language, Gondo deceased has the meaning "body odor". Creepy indeed, but in fact this is the name of a very beautiful beach. Its location in the south of Blitar, East Java, precisely located in the hills behind the beach Tambakrejo. 

The beach is still very virgin, proved still rarely visited by tourists. But, in fact deceased Gondo Coast is a very beautiful beach. The combination of beautiful natural scenery collaborate with clean beaches make this beach look very attractive.
There has been no serious manager handles Gondo Coast deceased. Nameplate on the main road is also very difficult to find. As a direction, you must first reach the beach Tambakrejo. Here, you can leave the vehicle while asking directions to the beach Gondo deceased.
Continue the trip to the beach by foot. You must climb the hill that is not too high to get to this beautiful beach. The beach is clean and clear natural look here.
This beach has a gently sloping sand, very fitting used as a family tourist attractions. Very clean white sand, no coral and no waste. Located in the south of Java make Gondo Coast deceased was awarded a sizable waves.
Maybe the new wave is the only one who could be an attraction than kealamiannya. Most visitors who come are the surfers who want to try ferociously waves. However, it is not uncommon that only wants to play on the beach alone.
Given the beach has not been managed well, the beach facilities are also impressed by what it is. On this beach yet available even to the dressing room toilet. So you have to the location of vehicle parking for changing clothes.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Blue of Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat offers not only the beauty of the underwater world, but also an exotic land. There Arborek Tourism Village which offers rural beauty and well skilled mothers looking to make bags.

Located in Meos Mansar, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Arborek Village offers different tours. In the land area of ​​7 acres, the Village Tourism Arborek inhabited by more than 150 families. The village is a pioneer among 18 tourist villages in West Papua.

If you want to dive with the sensation is more amazing, you can choose a location at sea Arborek. Simply by riding ketinting or motorboat for 10 minutes, the tourists were in the best dive sites.

Completed a dive, take out your camera and capture moments you may rarely see, watch fishermen off the net. Or a more exciting again, see the fishermen catching fish using a spear. Wow!

Not only water, in Raja Ampat Arborek also be enjoyed from the busy road. Walking along the path also will be an unforgettable experience. Along the way you will be greeted warmly by residents. In fact, not infrequently are invited to meet.

You inhale deeply, and exhale slowly. Enjoy the clean air produced from leafy trees Arborek. Such air may be difficult to find so go back to the city of origin.

Besides the beauty of the underwater world, there are still many interesting things you can find while in the village of Arborek. One of them was chatting with a famous native Arborek friendly.

While talking, you can see the nimble fingers of women handbags and hats made ​​of pandan. Yes, the mother village is famous as a craftsman Arborek hats and bags. If interested, you can also learn to make.

Unlike most other village women who usually helped their husbands on fishing village woman Arborek produce bags and hats as the principal work. Most of them regard the work as craftsmen bags and much more elegant hats for women.

To reach the village Arborek, you can depart from Sorong. Then continued use of a motor boat shoves Waisai Fishery Port, the capital city of Raja Ampat. Of Waisai, still have to continue the journey in less than two hours by boat to the village of Arborek length.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hidden Beach

Bali or ordinary people refer to as the island has so many beaches, fine white sand beach or a beach of black sand. That most people are interested, with white sand beaches. Tegal coast fragrance is one of them. Many local people who do not know the location of this beach, so in addition to the beach Tegal Wangi, the beach is also called "Hidden Beach".
Tegalwangi beach area is located in the Pura Segara Tegalwangi, traditional village of Jimbaran, which has beautiful beaches that are different from the exotic beauty of the beach. This coast has high cliffs like dreamland. From the cliffs we could see the beauty of the beach. Some rocks with small cracks coastal area and most other coastal hills. Strong waves and white sandy rough. Many people have been to the beach. The best moment to come here is when the sunset or after sunset. The sky was so beautiful to be enshrined in the camera shots. Backpackers who have souls to art photograpy suited to capture the panorama of the beach Tegalwangi. If you are looking for a quiet and away from the bustle of people, this beach can be a good choice.
Activities that can be done at this beach include fishing, refreshing, relax to relieve stress, and can calm the mind. Many people look for fish on this coast, particularly the local residents and tourists. At the time of the afternoon, we could witness a beautiful sunset on the beach.
Nothing wrong with that beach Wangi Tegal also widely used as a photo spot for pre-wedding photo. In the evening on the north coast we could see the beautiful city with a naughty twinkle lights throughout the city. The beach is visited by the artist or foreign tourists to see the beauty of the beach, when visiting the beach tegal fragrant.
The trip to the beach is approximately 20 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport and 35 minutes from Denpasar. To reach this place, very easy, motorcycles and cars can go up into the temple parking tegal Wangi. Its location in a direction toward the former Ritz Carlton hotel to the Temple Tegalwangi, just follow the signpost. Right in front of the temple Tegalwangi we will see the beach from the hill. Along the way to the beach, we could see a very large trees and ridang no less appeal to other natural keidahan. If we want to rest along the way we can find a resort or restaurant-food restaurants such as sea food, typical bali, beverages or other food. Not only were there too there are also cafes and villa. Shoreward to the achievement we have to go down through the trail is rather steep, with walking trails around the 20 meter, we will get to the beach Tegalwangi, so must be careful. Here there are no stairs, probably because the object is not widely wisata.Pantainya not only possible length of approximately ± 100 meters.
Population that the settlement around the coast is very friendly, so that the tourists feel comfortable and happy visit to the beach tegal fragrant. Many of them bemata search in the tourism sector. They are looking for an economic income from tourists visiting the kepantai. Residents there can maintain and preserve the beach so that the attraction of the beach is always awake and visits of tourists to the beach is not reduced.
This is one of the tourist sites in Bali that combines the hills and beaches, beautiful hills and beautiful beaches. If we hear the name derived from the word Tegalwangi from Tegal and Wangi. Tegal plantations and that means meaningful fragrant smell. So, Tegalwangi is a fragrant garden. We would think that it's an interesting place and there kesakralannya. This area is still really quite amazing the natural authenticity of natural Melasti when Hari Raya comes, the people around here hold joint prayers for the sanctification of self and the inscriptions in welcoming Galungan and Hari Raya Brass.