Monday, November 5, 2012

Kawa Coffee Drink Mix Leaf Coconut shell

Did you ever drink coffee? Would have been for a coffee drink is a drink that is common, everywhere there is a coffee shop.

But coffee is not coffee that has been commonly used as we drink, coffee is the drink of Daun Kawa coffee leaves are boiled and then filtered. And even more unique is not a disposable drinking glass or cup, but drink made ​​of coconut shell.

Unique all? So I tried to taste it.

Yes ... indeed unique, so I try to drink this coffee. Incidentally it passed at Daun Kawa selling coffee. The place is nothing special in other places, his right in the Broken Tabek Tanah Datar regency Salimpaung District - West Sumatra. It is on the side of the highway Batusangkar - Baso Agam District. If you are over the Batusangkar - Baso, then surely it will pass.

Outdoor stalls selling is very simple and not as casual cafe but stalls with a cozy rustic atmosphere. But even though the place is simple but customers shop both motorcycle riders and car mostly from out of town.

There is already subscribed, but nothing like my first time to this time, the first time Daun Kawa drink coffee. It feels really good, not too pronounced coffee, tea tastes like it because it leaves in boiled coffee.

Besides this leaves Kawa coffee, we drink while eating fried banana fritters, know the contents, bakwan, which is still hot, it is suitable with the air in this region are cold.

Well if you happen to Batusangkar District. Tanah Datar Sumatra, or passing through Batusangkar - Baso, do not forget to try this coffee kawa leaves. Price per glass uh ... pertempurung very cheap, only Rp 2,000. I wrote earlier drinking 2 shell

Monday, October 15, 2012

Restaurants in Japan This Use Robot Beautiful As Comforter

In general, a restaurant and a café serving entertainers always beautiful and sexy woman but a restaurant in Japan do not use beautiful women as penghiburnya restaurant uses robot-like robots and sexy beautiful women as entertainers guests arriving.

The restaurant serves its customers with a 'fem-bot'. The staffs of existing human being 'controlling' the robot while dancing to the customer.

This newly opened restaurant claimed to spend 10 million yen (786.8 billion) to open this restaurant. Interestingly, women who operate the robot entertainer was wearing a military-style camouflage bikini or other sexy clothes.

The restaurant is located in the heart Kabuchiko, Shinjuku, Japan. To enter the restaurant, the customer must pay 3000 yen (Rp237 thousand).

In addition to robot dancer, this restaurant is decorated with a variety of other robots such as robot drummer, tanks and fighter planes.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mosuo tribe

China's Mosuo tribe to tribe most adored women in Negri China, women in this tribe more in value than men and women in the tribe's unique may change male sex partners freely even get pregnant no marriage in the Mosuo tribe.

Tribes who were around Lugu Lake is indeed very unique Lugu Lake itself has a natural beauty into his background of romantic and backward between frenetic China.

Mosuo tribe adheres to matrilineal descent so that women play a greater role compared to men, men in the tribe does not have any rights. Mosuo tribe also has its own uniqueness compared to other tribes in the world.

In the tradition of Mosuo tribe do not know the term marriage so that any woman who wants to have a child has the right to have sex with any man who was in the village freely. In the Mosuo tribe do not know the rules of adultery and illegitimacy terms this is usually in use by foreign tourists who want to see the unique Mosuo tribe to have sex with women women Mosuo tribe freely.

Mosuo Tribe Traditional govern any woman who wants to have sex with a man just waited for him to come to his house if she do not get along with the man she had come to reject this done continues sampi get her man dinginkanya while men who had rejected his unique never hurt.

The tradition of changing sexual partners continues to be maintained by the Mosuo tribe even local governments strive to maintain the existing culture in that region in order to stay awake and not get extinct.

Since the number of unique in this country makes a lot of foreign tourists to visit the village to see the unique tribe Lugu Lake Mosuo and beauty.

How keen to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of China's Mosuo tribe.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why Famous Koi Fish?

Culture of the Past Century
historically, Chinese people who had first breed carp, which is around 1300's. If it is then reported koi ranging popular and claimed to be "the product" Japanese for a reason.
Koi breeding center in Japan located in the mountains of Ojiya, Niigata. This area is well-known as a producer of carp, because the people in Ojiya many carp grow to their side during the summer. In the winter time, they may not be done because the area is covered with snow. Before the weather becomes cold, it will occupy the carp ponds in the house, and so through the winter carp into a side dish for the Ojiya.
Through the cultivation for many years, finally obtained strains that are red or bright blue. That is the starting point and then encourage them to try producing strains are more beautiful. Finally, in 1870 obtained the one Kohaku (red and white), followed in 1910 shiroutsiiri (white and black) and kinutsuri (yellow and black), the line began to appear and it is something that can not be deny.
In 1930, began to find carp color with the other lines. If in the beginning only one color, and then following the discovery of two-and three-color koi. The beautiful koi-koi becoming known is Showa Sanke (red, white and black). In addition it appears also with other patterns such as koi Kinrin (gold scales), Ginrin (silver scales), and Ogon (golden).
In 1904, the Germans send koi with scales incomplete and even that is not flaky at all, as a gift to Japan. They then breed koi is a type of german standard scales for koi, and the result is a variation on the basis of complete diversity koi scales. If the colorful Japanese koi known as Nishikigoi, the German koi is popularly known doitsugoi (koi german). In the Japanese language, meaning nishiki-ka Berane fabric color, while the other is not goi means carp. As for the eventual Nishikigoi popularly known as koi.
The sign of love of the Emperor
tropical fish hobbiest magazine september edition, 1988, contains the origin of the word Nishikigoi. According to Chinese history, when the eldest son of kong-zi was born in 533 sm, lu monarch gave the fish as a birthday gift. The fish was said to what we call today koi. The word koi, according to the Japanese way of writing, it can cause two different meanings. The first meaning is the fish, while the second meaning is to be pure or perfect. From both these meanings, koi fish can be interpreted as having a neat and orderly lines on the scales on the body. In other words, a koi fish really very profitable and is ideal for art.
China apparently has a book, which is believable as the first and oldest book Mengu-fitting about koi, named yogyokyo. Koi cultivation ordinance, and all types of koi pared in the book. In the book the decomposed also about koi are colorful like red, blue, black, white, and yellow.
In other words, there are secrets that are still stored in books written about Japanese koi, such as Hitachi-Fudoki or nishonshoki.
In the Japanese language between carp and love (love) has the same pronunciation-koi! In the book there nishonshoki interesting story about this koi word. When the emperor went to the pro-kejkou pinsi mino on February 94, he fell in love at first sight with a girl prince yasakairihiko otohime. When he heard the emperor's desire kejkou, the princess refused and ran into the woods. But the emperor kejkou not lack sense, to draw attention to her idol, she took a new fish imported from China that is in the pond inn and banquet held fish. Surprisingly the princess who had refused the forest and eventually came out to meet him. They fell in love in the Japanese language is called koi. From the story to the koi fish and then call the emperor used to lure her idol.
How about the name of Nishikigoi, is there an interesting story before it was attached to the name and is known for colorful carp call this? People used to call koi with a different name different, for example mayogoi (nice patterned carp), hanagoi (carp flower), Echigo no kawarigoi (unique carp from Echigo), irogoi (carp color), and madarigoi (carp spots ). Is a kei-abe, fisheries research technician at the center niiga-ta koi are researching and developing, giving his name when first Taisho Sanshoku in-production takezawa-mura in 1918. At that time the name was not popular among the community.
There are two versions of what is believed to be the origin of the word Nishikigoi known. First, the word began to be known as a captain stopped in koi breeding center after the end of the second world war. So hungry he asked irogoi (carp color) to fill his stomach, which was then in the confusing words in the Japanese language irokoi which implies sexual desire. From here the possible word Nishikigoi began widely known. The second story is when francis burgoa, head of the headquarters of the allied forces conducted an observer-koi breeding center in Yamakoshi after the second world war. Since then possible word Nishikigoi became popular. And of course, just to mention the word Nishikigoi fish colorful areas rather than a single color.

Friday, August 10, 2012

China's city on the water

Instead of an archipelago located in the sea, not the same as the one in China. Islands stand firm on top of a giant lake. Even if the dive, you can have an ancient city in it.

Qiandao Lake is located in Zhejiang about 150 km from Hangzhou, China is different from other lakes in general. This lake is an artificial lake formed after the creation of the hydropower station Xin'an River.Qiandao Lake is not just a lake where water power station opened, but the lake also special because on it there are many islands. You are not wrong, Qiandao Lake is inhabited by many islands, so the lake is called Lake Islands.

Amusing Planet spy from the site on Tuesday (6/5/2012) there are about 1078 islands in Lake Qiandao. Almost the entire island is often used as tourist travelers. Most of them are curious about the islands that are above. Amazed! That first impression they feel.

Uniquely, the island in the Lake Qiandao named after animals, such as Bird Island, Monkey Island and Snake Island. Eits wait, the uniqueness of Lake Qiandao not stop there. Something that is under the lake, perhaps more interesting, and guaranteed to make you stunned. If curious try to dive straight down the lake, and discover the mystery. An ancient city that is still neatly stored neatly in the lake.

Been to Lake Qiandao, the same as historical tours to the ancient city. But what is more remarkable, because the city is not just any city, but the ancient city that has been submerged. Menyelamlah and uncover his whereabouts.

Apparently, before the lake was built, right where the lake was established two magnificent ancient city, which is Shi Cheng and Cheng He. Cheng Shi town was built over 1,300 years ago, while he Cheng older, compared to Shi Cheng. Formerly, these two cities is that there is a business center along the River Xin'an.Then, in 1959 the city was submerged by the flood. Nearly 40 years both forgotten. New in 2001, the government reopened the sunken ancient city is through the many divers who parachuted to rediscover the lost two cities.

The results are surprising, there are many buildings of the ancient city are still standing strong. Excellent! Fun again, this time the two cities can be directly seen by the tourists who are interested.Diving into Lake Qiandao like diving into an underwater kingdom. From a distance had Tampah city gates and the entire building is intact. Not damaged at all. Giant gate carved with a variety of beautiful, seems the most dominant than the other buildings. Perhaps it was once used as an entrance gate into the city.

A wall surrounding the city, is also still firmly standing upright. A city under the lake was ready to welcome every tourist divers. Beautiful carvings on each wall is also still apparent. In fact, you can simply touch it to make sure this is the original wall. Amazing!

If you dive deeper, you can see the stairs to get into the house is still standing strong. Cantilever beams as well as a full house. It's really a ghost town under the lake is still awake.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Under Water

The greatness of the Creator's boundless. If all this we can only see and watch the river on land, so this time the world was startled by the discovery of the river under the sea in the Cenote Angelita, Mexico. The photographs of the river in Mexico submarine is then circulated widely among users of facebook, twitter, blogs and other Internet services. Abroad, the phenomenon is known as the Underwater Mystery River. In the country, we call it a phenomenon of the river beneath the sea. The debate arose as more and more the admiration of this divine phenomenon, even to touch on the belief (religion).

Not a few who stated that the circulation of photographs of the river at the bottom of the sea is a sign or signal for humans to be aware and repent to God. Sightings of the river below the sea is also interpreted as a cosmic alarm so that people always preserve the balance of nature and the environment, including river and sea. For the bloggers, pictures of rivers in the sea itself is a boon as it can be used as an ingredient to increase traffic to blog posts. I was middle-conscious play with the collection of underwater photographs of the river in one of them to increase traffic to this blog. Another aim is certainly to share information about the phenomenon of the river in Mexico was underwater for seekersRivers in the sea. Scientifically it is not possible. A diver, Anatoly Beloshchin, take pictures 'river in the ocean' of water depth of 60 meters Cenote Angelita, Mexico.
As reported, at a depth of more than 30 meter dive team discovered fresh water in the middle of the ocean water column. Conditions were changed and returned to find sea divers began to pass through a depth of 60 meters.

A few meters from the site will find a cave. At the bottom of the cave was a team of divers discovered a
river complete with trees and foliage that float in the water column.It turns out that location is not the river as seen on the mainland. However, the atmosphere was indeed similar to the river complete with a coating such as brownish colored water.But wait, it's not the brown color comes from fresh water. Mentioned, like the brown river water is the bottom layer of hydrogen sulfide gas. Gas is usually produced from sewage.Overall, the team of divers discovered it is a condition that is very shocking and stunning to look at."At a depth of 60 meters I found back the sea water. I saw a river, island, complete with falling leaves. But the river that we see is a layer of hydrogen sulfide gas," says Anatoly.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench is the world's sights in the Pacific Ocean. It is said that this is a trough which is the innermost part of any ocean in the world, and is the deepest spot in the top crust of the earth. Mariana Trench has a depth of 11 km (6.8 miles). Mariana Trench become a unique tourist attractions located in the western North Pacific Ocean, east and south are located in the Mariana Islands near Guam money.

Recently been reported ditemukanya rare creatures in the Mariana Trench. Possible shape we have ever seen, but it may be kind of rare and difficult to animal we encounter in other areas. The following are pictures of these creatures: