Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mosuo tribe

China's Mosuo tribe to tribe most adored women in Negri China, women in this tribe more in value than men and women in the tribe's unique may change male sex partners freely even get pregnant no marriage in the Mosuo tribe.

Tribes who were around Lugu Lake is indeed very unique Lugu Lake itself has a natural beauty into his background of romantic and backward between frenetic China.

Mosuo tribe adheres to matrilineal descent so that women play a greater role compared to men, men in the tribe does not have any rights. Mosuo tribe also has its own uniqueness compared to other tribes in the world.

In the tradition of Mosuo tribe do not know the term marriage so that any woman who wants to have a child has the right to have sex with any man who was in the village freely. In the Mosuo tribe do not know the rules of adultery and illegitimacy terms this is usually in use by foreign tourists who want to see the unique Mosuo tribe to have sex with women women Mosuo tribe freely.

Mosuo Tribe Traditional govern any woman who wants to have sex with a man just waited for him to come to his house if she do not get along with the man she had come to reject this done continues sampi get her man dinginkanya while men who had rejected his unique never hurt.

The tradition of changing sexual partners continues to be maintained by the Mosuo tribe even local governments strive to maintain the existing culture in that region in order to stay awake and not get extinct.

Since the number of unique in this country makes a lot of foreign tourists to visit the village to see the unique tribe Lugu Lake Mosuo and beauty.

How keen to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of China's Mosuo tribe.

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